Our Voice API may return error codes to indicate specific issues encountered during API requests. These error codes help developers quickly identify and troubleshoot problems. Below is a comprehensive list of potential error codes and their descriptions:
Error Code | Code | HTTP Status | Description |
NO_ERROR | 0 | 200 | No Error. |
ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE | 1 | 500 | System Failure. |
ERROR_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED | 2 | 405 | Method Not Allowed. |
ERROR_NOT_FOUND | 3 | 404 | Not Found. |
ERROR_DB_FAILURE | 4 | 500 | Database Failure. |
ERROR_DB_RECOVERING | 5 | 500 | Database Recovering. |
ERROR_DB_RECOVERED_FAIL | 6 | 500 | Database Recovered Failed. |
ERROR_QUEUE_FAILURE | 8 | 500 | Queue Failure. |
ERROR_QUEUE_RECOVERING | 7 | 500 | Queue Recovering. |
ERROR_QUEUE_RECOVERED_FAIL | 9 | 500 | Queue Recovered Failed. |
ERROR_CACHE_FAILURE | 10 | 500 | Cache Failure. |
ERROR_CACHE_RECOVERING | 11 | 500 | Cache Recovering. |
ERROR_CACHE_RECOVERED_FAIL | 12 | 500 | Cache Recovered Failed. |
ERROR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT | 13 | 500 | Connection Timeout. |
ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED | 14 | 500 | Connection Refused. |
ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILURE | 15 | 500 | Connection Failure. |
ERROR_JSON_MARSHAL | 50 | 500 | JSON Marshal failed. |
ERROR_JSON_UNMARSHAL | 51 | 500 | JSON Unmarshal failed. |
ERROR_GIN_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND | 52 | 500 | GIN variable not found. |
ERROR_QUERY_STRING | 53 | 500 | Querystring values failed. |
ERROR_MAKE_REQUEST | 54 | 500 | Cannot make request for request to client. |
ERROR_IO_BODY | 55 | 500 | Cannot read response from client. |
ERROR_FORM | 56 | 400 | Form is invalid. |
ERROR_CONTEXT_VARIABLE | 57 | 500 | Systen Failure. |
ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED | 100 | 401 | Authentication failed. |
ERROR_MEMBER | 101 | 401 | Member failure. |
ERROR_BALANCE_EXPIRE | 102 | 400 | Balance expired. |
ERROR_FORM_TEXT | 103 | 400 | The text value is requied or value in the form is invalid. |
ERROR_FORM_LANGUAGE | 104 | 400 | The language value is required or value in the form is invalid. |
ERROR_FORM_REPETITION | 105 | 400 | The repetition value is required and value in the form accepted values are 1, 2 or 3. |
ERROR_FORM_SPEED | 106 | 400 | The speed value is required and value in the form accepted range from 0.5 - 2 as a two digit number. |
ERROR_FORM_DESTINATIONS | 107 | 400 | The destination is required or The destination is invalid. |
ERROR_FORM_CALLER_ID | 108 | 400 | The caller_id is required or The caller_id in the form is invalid. |
ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE | 109 | 400 | The remaining balance is insufficient. |
ERROR_VOICE_LANGUAGE_PROFILE | 110 | 400 | Voice language profile failure. |
ERROR_COUNTRY_NOT_AVAILABLE | 111 | 400 | This country is not available. |
ERROR_MESSAGE | 112 | 500 | Cannot get the message detail. |
ERROR_MESSAGE_ID | 113 | 400 | This message id is invalid. |
ERROR_CALLER_ID | 114 | 500 | Caller ID failure. |